Gay sex club san francisco

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Other opponents of the rules said sex clubs are sometimes the only place where strangers can safely have sex.īut a liaison for Mayor Willie Brown said the mayor shares the views of Sandra Hernandez, director of the city health department. In fact, he said, the clubs may help reduce HIV transmission 'by providing safer sex education in a clean environment.' Klein brought copies of petitions he said were signed by more than 400 people, calling for an end to the sex club privacy ban. Klein, chairman of the steering committee of Community United for Sexual Privacy, told commissioners there is no evidence that the sex clubs result in higher disease transmission. 'The prohibition of private spaces has the effect of banning gay bath houses and is clearly an attack on the gay community's right to privacy,' said Jonathan Klein in a statement released before the meeting.

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There are about a dozen gay- oriented sex clubs in San Francisco. But during more than an hour of public testimony, opponents said the regulations allow the city to pry into people's sex lives.

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